
The Scoreboard ® measures the applicant’s Personality traits (behaviors) as they relate to the requirements of the job  for entry-level and hourly rate jobs where Mental Aptitudes are not deemed critical. The assessment takes about 20 minutes to complete.

The Scoreboard assessment measures the following ten Personality dimensions exhibited within an individual as they relate to the job description the individual is being assessed for:

- Energy and drive level; how tension and stress are handled.

Flexibility - Integrity, reliability, dependability and work ethics.

Organization - Ability to plan and utilize time wisely.

Communication - Individual's desire to meet and interact with people.

Emotional Development - Level of self-confidence and ability to handle pressure.

Assertiveness - Whether a person is a leader or a follower.

Competitiveness - Whether a person is team-spirited or individualistically competitive.

Mental Toughness - Ability to persevere and deal with obstacles in life without giving up.

Questioning/Probing - Desire to ask questions and probe.

Motivation - Whether person is security-motivated or recognition, incentive and commission oriented.

The Scoreboard assessment report contains the following segments:

• The narrative segment, which briefly explains each aptitude and personality dimension that is being assessed in the report and how the individual has scored in each, compared to the job.

• A pictorial analysis comparing the individual's actual scores to the desirable benchmarks for the job. These benchmarks may be derived for an individual company based on their own successful people in the job, derived based on the job description, or the person can be assessed against Candidate Resources' database of people who are successful in those jobs.

Who's It For

The Scoreboard is for skilled, semi-skilled, technical, basic entry level, administrative and a variety of other jobs where it is important that the individual hired for the job have the behavioral traits are required in the successful performance of the job, but the job itself does not call for measuring Mental Aptitudes.

Benchmarks are the aptitudes, traits and their levels required by a job. 

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